provenance -PRO-ven-AHNS - the source or origin of something
Example: "While the sources of our commercial films are hardly original, those from foreign film makers are of unusual provenance."
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Word for Today - August 30, 2009
prosaic - pro-ZAY-ik - ordinary, ho-hum - flat
Example: NY artist tried to capture the city's odors as a work of art, saying, ' As my nostrils led me from Manhattan's northernmost end to its southern tip, some prosaic scents recurred (cigarette butts; suntan lotion; fried foods); some were singular and sublime (a delicate trail of flowers mingling with Indian curry); while others proved revoltingly unique (the garbage outside a nail salon). '"
Example: NY artist tried to capture the city's odors as a work of art, saying, ' As my nostrils led me from Manhattan's northernmost end to its southern tip, some prosaic scents recurred (cigarette butts; suntan lotion; fried foods); some were singular and sublime (a delicate trail of flowers mingling with Indian curry); while others proved revoltingly unique (the garbage outside a nail salon). '"
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Word for Today - August 29, 2009
transcend - TRANS-SEND - to exceed, to surpass or go beyond
Example: "Regarding the huge numbers in the Kennedy clan, Kevin McCabe, one of an Irish family of 12 , said, 'They sure as hell stuck together, and they were all in love with each other, and that was the transcending message to everyone else; that is the essence of a family.'"
Example: "Regarding the huge numbers in the Kennedy clan, Kevin McCabe, one of an Irish family of 12 , said, 'They sure as hell stuck together, and they were all in love with each other, and that was the transcending message to everyone else; that is the essence of a family.'"
Friday, August 28, 2009
Word for Today - August 28, 2009
egregious - eh-GREE-jhass - ridiculous to an extraordinary degree
Example: "In 'This Week' magazine it was noted that the number of lobbyists focusing on the health plan have grown to an egregious 3,300 - which amounts to 6 for each Congressman - and growing."
Example: "In 'This Week' magazine it was noted that the number of lobbyists focusing on the health plan have grown to an egregious 3,300 - which amounts to 6 for each Congressman - and growing."
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Word for Today - August 27, 2009
pro tem - PRO-TEM - (short for "pro tempore") - for the time being
Eample: "The first applicant was hired pro tem, to be employed until a more qualified applicant came along."
Eample: "The first applicant was hired pro tem, to be employed until a more qualified applicant came along."
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Word for Today - August 26, 2009
iconoclast - eye-KON-oh-KLAST - one who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions
Example: "Ted Kennedy, who died of a brain tumor last night, was known as a political iconoclast, playing both sides to suit his patriotic motives when necessary."
Example: "Ted Kennedy, who died of a brain tumor last night, was known as a political iconoclast, playing both sides to suit his patriotic motives when necessary."
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Word for Today - August 25, 2009
attenuate - ah-TEN-you-ATE - to reduce in size, strength or density
Example: "When the court declared that Michael Jackson had indeed been a victim of an incorrect drug procedure, it attenuated the charge from intentional 'murder' to non-intentional 'homicide,' thus lessening the penalty."
Example: "When the court declared that Michael Jackson had indeed been a victim of an incorrect drug procedure, it attenuated the charge from intentional 'murder' to non-intentional 'homicide,' thus lessening the penalty."
Monday, August 24, 2009
Word for today - August 24, 2009
evocative - ee-VOK-uh-TIV - calling forth, arousing (as with emotions)
Example: "On HBO tonight at 9pm EST airs 'Which Way Home,' an evocative documentary about the plight of Central American children who hop trains in their desperate attempt to reach a better life in the U.S."
Example: "On HBO tonight at 9pm EST airs 'Which Way Home,' an evocative documentary about the plight of Central American children who hop trains in their desperate attempt to reach a better life in the U.S."
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Word for Today - August 23, 2009
inequitable - in-EK-wit-ABUL - unequally fair
Example: "Scotland's freeing of the only person imprisoned for the infamous plane crash at Lochabee (Sp?) was met with praises from some for a Scottish sense of compassion, and cries of inequitable leniency by others."
Friday, August 21, 2009
Words for Today - August 21, 2009
infantile, purile, adolescent, mature - (purile - PURE-eyel) - adjectives to signify a particular emotional or active stage in growing to maturity
Example: "Physically, we grow from baby to adult, but emotionally or in action we might be arrested anywhere along the maturing process from being infantile, purlile or adolescent without ever reaching true maturity . In fact, says a report in Esquire magazine, whole societies, like ours today, can be called generally adolescent for its egocentric reluctance to grow up and accept responsibilities. "
Example: "Physically, we grow from baby to adult, but emotionally or in action we might be arrested anywhere along the maturing process from being infantile, purlile or adolescent without ever reaching true maturity . In fact, says a report in Esquire magazine, whole societies, like ours today, can be called generally adolescent for its egocentric reluctance to grow up and accept responsibilities. "
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Word for Today #2 - August 20, 2009
Thanks to a nit-picker (because he's always right), I neglected to use the word "bellicose" in my example a few days ago. Mea culpa. Here's the example, properly adjusted:
Example: "NPR news announced that a new trend, bellicose right-wingers openly brandishing arms at political rallies, is growing alarmingly."
Example: "NPR news announced that a new trend, bellicose right-wingers openly brandishing arms at political rallies, is growing alarmingly."
Word for today - August 20, 2009
integrative - in-TEG-rah-TIV - serving or intending to unify separate things
Example: "Doctors are learning to apply integrative medical techniques, combining more than one form of therapy to heal or cure. Similarly, teachers are now trying integrative educational techniques in the learning process."
Example: "Doctors are learning to apply integrative medical techniques, combining more than one form of therapy to heal or cure. Similarly, teachers are now trying integrative educational techniques in the learning process."
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Word for Today - August 19, 2009
admonish, admonition - ad-MOH-nih-SHUN - warning, seriously advising
Example: "Today the NY Times offered this admonition: 'A lot of time we are chasing shadows, but it's better to do that than find out later you let something get by.'"
Example: "Today the NY Times offered this admonition: 'A lot of time we are chasing shadows, but it's better to do that than find out later you let something get by.'"
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Word for Today - August 18, 2009
bellicose - BELL-ih-COSE - warlike, belligerent, hostile, militant
Example: "NPR news announced that a new trend, openly brandishing arms at political rallies, is growing alarmingly."
Example: "NPR news announced that a new trend, openly brandishing arms at political rallies, is growing alarmingly."
Monday, August 17, 2009
Word for Today - August 17, 2009
incursion - in-KUR-zhun - a brief, hostile & usually sudden invasion of somebody's territory
Example: "According to an authority dealing with commercial airplane accidents, there were '325 incursions last year at American airports - varying from near disasters to total wreckage & deaths.'"
Example: "According to an authority dealing with commercial airplane accidents, there were '325 incursions last year at American airports - varying from near disasters to total wreckage & deaths.'"
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Word for Today - August 16, 2009
palpable - PAL-bah-bull - that which can be physically touched or felt, perceivable, tangible
Example: "When Hamlet fences with Ophelia's brother and makes a sudden thrust, the official judge of the game cries out, 'A hit! A palpable hit!'"
Example: "When Hamlet fences with Ophelia's brother and makes a sudden thrust, the official judge of the game cries out, 'A hit! A palpable hit!'"
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Word for Today - August 15, 2009
pudique - poo-DEEK - a catch-all French word that includes modest, prim, priggish, prudish
Example: "According to the newspaper 'Le Monde,' there's a growing movement among young French men & women away from casual nudity to a pudique attitude on the beach."
Example: "According to the newspaper 'Le Monde,' there's a growing movement among young French men & women away from casual nudity to a pudique attitude on the beach."
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Word for Today - August 13, 2009
stoic - STOW-ik - tending to remain unemotional esp. in times of adversity, impassive, stolid
Example: "A Times article referred to Obama as being remarkably stoic in his reaction to the 'orchestrated' disruptions at Town Hall meetings."
Example: "A Times article referred to Obama as being remarkably stoic in his reaction to the 'orchestrated' disruptions at Town Hall meetings."
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Word for Today - August 12, 2009
prosaic - pro-ZAY-ik - ordinary, daily humdrum, boring, ho-hum
Example: "In his recent movie 'Walz With Bashir,' writer/director Ari Folman uses animation - where the prosaic standards of truth & the inconvenient laws of physics can be flouted (scorned) at will - to blend grimly his images with surreal flights of fantasy, humor & horror."
Example: "In his recent movie 'Walz With Bashir,' writer/director Ari Folman uses animation - where the prosaic standards of truth & the inconvenient laws of physics can be flouted (scorned) at will - to blend grimly his images with surreal flights of fantasy, humor & horror."
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Word for Today - August 11, 2009
paucity - PAW-sit-ee - scarcity, lack, dearth
Example: "There is a paucity of agreement among everyone for a good health plan."
Example: "There is a paucity of agreement among everyone for a good health plan."
Monday, August 10, 2009
Word for Today - August 10, 2009
surfeit - SUR-FIT - excess, overabundance, glut, too much
Example: "At the recent annual gathering of MTU alums, there was an ongoing surfeit of food & beverages."
Example: "At the recent annual gathering of MTU alums, there was an ongoing surfeit of food & beverages."
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Word for Today - August 9, 2009
turgid - TOOR-jid - overblown, bombastic, grandiloquent, pompous
Example: "Joe K has, at one time or another, rightfully been referred to as turgid in personality."
Example: "Joe K has, at one time or another, rightfully been referred to as turgid in personality."
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Word for Today - August 8, 2009
cachet - cah-SHAY - state of being respected or admired
Example: "News analyst Daniel Schorr feared that the massively orchestrated campaign against Obama's health plan could undermine the president's cachet with the general public."
Example: "News analyst Daniel Schorr feared that the massively orchestrated campaign against Obama's health plan could undermine the president's cachet with the general public."
Friday, August 7, 2009
Word for Today - August 7, 2009
joie de vive - zhwah-deh-VEEV - love of life
Example: "Bud Schulberg, author of 'What makes Sammy Run,' 'On the Waterfront,' etc., died at 95 - still living until then with characteristic joie de vive ."
Example: "Bud Schulberg, author of 'What makes Sammy Run,' 'On the Waterfront,' etc., died at 95 - still living until then with characteristic joie de vive ."
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Word for Today - August 6, 2009
ennui - on-WEE - weary feeling resulting from dissatisfaction or loss of interest or sense of excitement
Example: "Become bombarded by any repetitious hate monger and the the diatribe (bitter or violent attack) results in initial disgust and, finally, ennui ."
Example: "Become bombarded by any repetitious hate monger and the the diatribe (bitter or violent attack) results in initial disgust and, finally, ennui ."
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Word for Today - August 4, 2009
abase - uh-BASE - to make somebody feel degraded or belittled
Example: "A person with an extreme feeling of inadequacy is likely to compensate by searching out some racial or religious group to abase."
Example: "A person with an extreme feeling of inadequacy is likely to compensate by searching out some racial or religious group to abase."
Monday, August 3, 2009
Word for Today - August 3, 2009
inscrutable - in-SCROOT-able - mysterious, unfathomable, enigmatic, hidden
Example: "The humor in the movie 'Funny People' will be enjoyed by younger viewers while it likely will become inscrutable to anyone over 35 years of age."
Example: "The humor in the movie 'Funny People' will be enjoyed by younger viewers while it likely will become inscrutable to anyone over 35 years of age."
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Word for Today - August 2, 2009
ethnocentric - ETH-no-CEN-trik - belief in the superiority of one's social or cultural group
Example: "According to the senior member of world study, the most serious problem in Iraq is the strong ethnocentric attitude among its diverse religious groups."
Example: "According to the senior member of world study, the most serious problem in Iraq is the strong ethnocentric attitude among its diverse religious groups."
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Word for Today - August 1, 2009
exacerbate - eks-ZASS-sir-BAIT - to aggravate, make worse, inflame
Example: "Some auto dealers like the "Cash for Clunkers" deal, while others think in the long run it only exacerbates the financial problem."
Example: "Some auto dealers like the "Cash for Clunkers" deal, while others think in the long run it only exacerbates the financial problem."
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