Sunday, February 28, 2010

despoil - des-POYL - ransack, devastate, pillage, ravage

Example: "Reuters Press reported that the massive earthquake to hit Chile yesterday despoiled a huge swath of the Andean country, as cars lay mangled and upended on streets littered with telephone wires and power cables; a new 14-story apartment building fell, while an older, biochemical lab at the University of Concepción caught fire. The mayor said that at least 300 people had been killed."

Saturday, February 27, 2010

gemuetlichkeit - ghem-OOT-lich-KITE - warmth, friendliness, a kind of coziness

Example: "Good news for guzzlers: Researchers at the U of California found that drinking beer in moderation not only produces feelings of gemuetlichkeit, but also builds strong bones & helps prevent osteoporosis."

Friday, February 26, 2010

cloture - cloh-chyur - a procedure for ending a debate & taking a vote

Example: "Columnist Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post called a filibuster intentionally frustrating, but wonderful if you are trying to block something from happening. Senate rules allow members to supposedly debate a matter (to filibuster) indefinitely unless at least 60 out of 100 senators vote to cut off the filibuster; in other words, to invoke cloture. She wonders if cloture can occur with the ongoing filibuster over the health bill which remains now in 'debate'."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

sagacious - sah-GAY-shus - shrewd, keen, perceptive, discerning, sage

Example: "After watching 35-minutes of TV advertisements during an hour segment of the Olympics, an observer made a sagacious comment: 'No doubt about it; all ads lie.'"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

bucolic - bew-CALL-ik - relating to or characteristic of country life, especially noted for its rustic aspects

Example: "Hendrik, a young German fellow who volunteered to spend a year with Little Brothers in Upper Michigan's Copper Country, found the bucolic nature of the area very much to his liking."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

voracious - voh-RAY-shuss - insatiable, out-of-control, rabid

Example: "Jon Meacham, critic for Newsweek, voraciously attacks the government with hopes for a change, insisting that '...there is a renewed sense that Washington works only for itself, fighting for narrow partisan advantages while large national & international issues go unresolved.'"

Monday, February 22, 2010

sturm und drang - shtoorm-un'-drahm - literally 'storm & stress,' a state of great emotional stress

Example: "Although the national economy has begun to bounce back, governors at a meeting of the National Governors Association said Saturday that the worst was yet to come at the state level, where revenues are still falling short of projections; therefore, they agreed, the sturm und drang also still exists at their level."